Sunday, March 27, 2011

Technology Makes Life Easier

Though it is all around us, technology is often taken for granted, and if it wasn’t for it many people’s daily lives would be dramatically different. Technology varies in different countries; some places are more technologically advance than others. If these convenient technologies were stripped from people, in their workplace or in school simple tasks could take much longer to get accomplished. Computers, E-books, Wi-Fi, and overhead projectors are all examples of different technologies amongst school or the workplace. A number or gadgets make information accessible at a fast pace, this allows people to do their jobs more efficiently. Nowadays technology advances so quickly that it’s hard to keep up with it, one can buy the latest and greatest item on the market and a few months later a newer and better version can be released.Technology makes life easier for three reasons: It can help better educate people, allow people to reach a broader audience, and keep people of all ages connected. The FIRST reason why technology can be beneficial is because it can better educate people. Mobile technology can have many benefits. Some of them were making material more accessible, helping students collaborate and communicate better, and helping students engage learning from others peoples perspectives. There will always be students who try to take advantage of the system, but I think this shouldn’t deter educational institutions from incorporating mobile technology in their schools. If done correctly, the gift of technology can help people become better educate.The SECOND reason why technology can make life easier is because it can allow people to reach a broader audience. If new media technology is integrated properly with existing campaign strategies, it can be effective. Obama effectively used social networks to promote his campaign and to persuade the young generation to vote for him. Without Obama’s use of the internet as a form of technology the whole election could have be extremely different. This shows that technology can help someone reach a broader audience.The THIRD reason why technology can make like easier is because it keeps people of all ages connected. Research has shown that senior citizens embrace new technology if it will better their living. These technologies can be services like Skype, Vonage, E-mail, or even Facebook; all of which allows these older adults to stay connected with their family and love ones.Technology if created and used correctly can help older folks in many ways.

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